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How To Apply for New Gas Connection Online and Offline

How to Apply for New Gas Connection Online and Offline

Millions of citizens, whether domestic or commercial, rely on the public distribution of cooking gas, mostly in the form of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) cylinders. At the heart of the supply chain are HPCL, IOCL, and BPCL, three giant pillars of India’s fuel lifeline. These are oil marketing companies that outsource and manage the supply of cooking gas.

Are you the one who wants to get a new gas connection? If yes, then keep reading the following article. 

How Can We Apply for a New Gas Connection?

Booking or getting a new Gas connection is not difficult. All the basic requirements to book a new connection are your identity and address, phone number, and photo proof. There is no shortage of cooking gas dealers and within a week you will be offered your cylinder for liquefied petroleum gas.

If you want to book a connection offline, all you have to do is go to the nearest dealer and collect the form. This is the best way for people who do not have access to Internet services or are not able to use Internet services. Otherwise, you have an online option that is most convenient.

Steps for Booking a New Gas Connection Online

Please follow the given step by step process to apply for a new Gas connection online:

Steps for Booking a New Gas Connection Offline

Final Words

I hope this blog will help those users who want to book a new gas connection. In the blog above, we described the step-by-step process of applying for a new gas connection online or offline.

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